What I love/hate about my new Treo 700P

I’ve been a loyal Palm user since 1997. I got my first Palm Pilot back when they were made by U.S. Robotics. At the time, I was working for a company called Concept Kitchen which sold accessories and software for PDAs. The Palm Pilot has since become an integral part of my life. My most recent Palm Pilot, the Tungsten C, was absolutely fabulous, but alas, it died a tragic death two weeks ago (apparently due to my 15-month old daughter dropping it one too many times).
The death of m Tungsten, however sad, presented an excellent opportunity to upgrade to one of the new smart phones. After doing lots of research, I ended up with the Treo 700p from Verizon. I’ve been using it for about 10 days now and thought I would share some of my initial thoughts with you.
Top 3 things I love about the Treo 700P
- One handy device replaces my phone AND PDA. I know this is quite obvious, but for someone like me who carries the smallest purse possible, it’s nice to be able to fit the Treo in my little Coach wristlet. I couldn’t do that with my Tungsten and RAZR!
- All of my old apps and files transferred over seamlessly. Well, almost seamlessly. I’m having problems with SmartList To Go from Dataviz, but I still need to investigate that.
- The phone quality is excellent.
Top 3 things I hate about the Treo 700P
- It doesn’t have native graffiti support! I was astonished by this. In fact, despite all of the research I did before purchasing, I never read about this fact. It totally baffles me. I did install an app called Graffiti Anywhere, but haven’t used it very much because you have to activate it by
- No wi-fi: this is a known issue. And it doesn’t sound like this will go away anytime soon.
- It’s slow. Launching an app isn’t nearly as responsive as previous Palm Pilots.
I debated whether or not I should keep this phone or stick with my RAZR and buy a LifeDrive. But ultimately, the convenience of a smart phone wins out. I guess it will just take me a while to adjust to my Treo.
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