Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Diva's Resolutions

Since striving to be organized is what initially drove my love of digital gadgets, I’m already thinking ahead to what I’d like to do better next year.
  1. First on my list is to resume this blog more regularly. My day job has kept me very busy and shows no signs of lightening up. So the rest of my resolutions are really about how to squeeze more time out of my day.
  2. My second goal is to embrace my Treo phone. I’ve complained about it quite frequently, but I’ve decided to give it another try. One thing I’d really like to do is figure out how to get videos and music from one of the subscription services like Rhapsody onto the phone. I already use my phone for things like keeping track of my grocery list (Jshopper is great!). But I’m going to look for other apps to help me be more productive.
  3. My final goal is to work on my posture. It's somewhat related to being more productive because I figure it takes less time than working out and can still make me look 10 pounds lighter without having to diet, which is right down my lane.

Best wishes for the holidays and may you achive your goals in the coming year!


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